14 February, 2025

Regional Centre


News Detail

IGNOU offered jobs to its Tribal students at the backward, trouble torn Gadchiroli District

28 January, 2014

100% selections were made at IGNOU’s campus Selections held at Gadchiroli on 25th January 2014.

Total 48 students attended the Campus Selection Interviews held at Gadchiroli yesterday by this Regional Centre. The Employer, Care Hospitals, Nagpur with their Man Power supply Agency officials conducted the interviews. The students attended the interviews in pure white dresses and well prepared. The Recruiters were so overwhelmed with the quality of the students. They appreciated very much with the theoretical and practical knowledge these students are having. So, they selected all the 48 candidates for employment. But, 2 students are yet to complete 18 years, so they offered them to wait till they complete 18 years and join them immediately after completing 18 years. 4 students are over 40 years, so they will be offered supervisory posts. The students will be paid a salary @ 7,000 p.m. it is also assured that depending on their sincerity and commitment, they can grow in their career.

It was a fruitful day, as IGNOU could fulfill its word of job placement to these tribal students of a trouble torn, backward Gadchiroli District. (especially looking into their low qualification of 10th pass, eligible for admission to CHBHC Programme).This is the first time that any University has conducted Campus Selection Interviews at Gadchiroli. More over 100% selection of all those who attended is also a remarkable achievement. The PIC and Academic Counsellors of these PSCs and also the students for their continuous efforts are to be appreciated. Some of the students continued in the respective Hospitals, for getting experience to work in a Hospital, even after completing their Exams in December. During the Semester, RC Academics have made frequent visits and motivated students to study effectively, so as to be get selected in the job interviews to be held for them.

Media also paid good attention to this unique event. Times of India has covered a quarter page special news under " NEW HORIZON". The media people interacted with the students and reported their feed back. One of the girl student, Trupti Kharbade is mother of two girls and a widow in her late 20s. Unfortunately she lost her husband just before commencement of this Course in July. But, to fulfill her late husband's insistence to stand on her feet, she completed this Course and yesterday she was so happy as she got a job.

Being a day prior to Republic day, Red Alert was given in the District. But, the IGNOU Team, Recruiters and students are on their job with complete involvement.